Dicks, David
My name is David Dicks. I am 47 years old. I have been married to my wife 25 years this July. Together she and I have four children. Jake is our oldest, he is in school to become a para-medic. He has been a volunteer firefighter in our town for three years. He has a servants heart. My second oldest is 19. His name is Caleb. Caleb is just completing his first year of criminal justice at a community college. He has elected to enlist in the Marines and then re- enter college to finish his degree. He hopes to follow a career in Criminal Justice. Then, my two daughters, they are only four minutes apart in age. Yes, they are twins. What a blessing they are. Allison was born first and then Madison followed. Today they are active 17 year-olds and looking to finish their high school days as seniors next year. Allison is an avid photographer and Madison is an animal lover and hopes one day to be a farm vet. We have homeschooled our children from first grade through their graduation. I am blessed to have an amazing wife and incredible kids!
I am a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute. I walked the staget in 1994 with a bachelors degree in Pastoral Theology. My four years at Moody was one of the most amazing four years of my life. Not to mention I met my wife there. One of the things I appreciated most about Moody, other than their strict scholastics, was how they required each student to be putting into practice the things we were learning, as we were learning them. It is known as a PCM (Practical Christian Ministry). Every semester, I had to choose from a variety of ministries to be a part of. I am so thankful for them. My experience in those PCM’s are as follows: Inner-city youth ministries with Inner-City Impact, preaching ministries at a retirement home, preaching ministry at a Spanish-Speaking Bretheren Congregation, preaching ministry at Cook County Prison. Street Evangelism and one-on-one outreach. These were the ministries that helped me develop a rock solid foundation to which I will ever be greatful!
But even before attending Moody I was rather involved in ministry. After I graduated high school, East High in Des Moines, IA, I took a year off from school and served as a Missionary intern with TIME Ministries in Monterrey Mexico. I was able to serve there for 9 months. During my time there I served daily with the missionary and with the national Pastor’s family. In fact, I lived with his family. Most of my first few months there revolved around learning how to speak Spanish and how to run short term American mission teams for building projects and evnagelism. Once the American teams arrived my ministry was to lead them in the building projects and direct them in their evangelism outreach tasks. It was an experience that prepared me well for my ministries while I was at Moody. It also started the process of helping me become fluent in Spanish. By God’s grace, today I am fluent and not a day passes that I do not read his word in the Spanish language. It is a passion of mine as I have a passion for the Hispanic communities.
Since graduating Moody in 1994, I had intended on attending Semenary. Through God’s providence, that has not yet taken place. Seventeen years ago, my wife and I were enllisted to become missionaries with a mission organization. That was until we found out that my wife was pregnant with twins and had a high risk pregnancy that put her on bed rest for months. Over-seas missions never happend after that and the years went by fast.
I began to do what fathers and husbands do, I did what I needed to provide for my family. I worked for a few corporations but ultimately I took up a career as a carpenter and remodeler. It was what my father did and there was a place in his company. I did that for nearly 15 years. today my wife and I own an event business together. We have been in that business for nearly three years.
Over the years, I have remained in ministry. I served for a season as a Children’s Pastor in Knoxville, Ia. I have filled in as pulpit supply for several churches in the central Iowa area. While it has been a number of years since preaching a message, I have still been able to remain involved in public speaking. I have recently performed two marriages and I have preached and performed three funerals, including my own Fathers at his request, to ensure the gospel of Christ be preached to all who would attend, at it most certainly was. I am also politiacally involved, which has given me an opportunity to speak in front of people often. I ran for State Representative in 2010 here in Iowa. I also ran for the National Committeeman spot two years ago which required me to give a speach in front of several thousand Iowan’s. I am presently the Secretary for the Party with which I am affiliated.
I and my entire family are members in good standing and regular attendees at our home church, Providence Reformed in Des Moines, IA. We love our church, our Pastor and church family.
I am looking to find opportunities to preach. I believe that God has gifted me with an ability to preach. At this time, I do not know that the Lord is or will call me to full time ministry. What I do know is that I have a strong desire to deliver the word of God to His people. To express the gospel to people who are lost and to express the gospel to believers in order to strenthen their spiritual lives to the glory and honor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to the Father.
I am ok with preaching locally and I’m willing to travel a good distance too. If you are a Spanish-speaking congregation, I would also love to hear from you. Soy bien competente de compartir la palabra de Dios fielmente y con fervor. He predicado tantas sermons en espanol en varios congregaciones. Lo agradezco si me consideras. If you are interested in talking with me about delivering a message at your church, we can discuss the details. please feel free to send an email with your contact information. you can send it to ddicks93@gmail.com
Thank you for your consideration.