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Hanson, Ron

Name: Ron Hanson

Home Church: Timberline Church, Fort Collins, Colorado

Pastor: Senior Pastor Dary Northrop

Denomination: Assembly Of God

Ordained: 1974

Statement Of Faith: Pulpit Supply Preachers

Education/Experience: Bachelor Of Arts, Colorado Christian University, Master Of Divinity, Denver Seminary, Master Of Social Work, University Of Iowa, Doctor Of Ministry Studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.  Eighteen Years Of Pastoral Ministry Experience, Thirty Two Years Of Private Practice Experience In Mental Health Psychotherapy.

Preaching Topics:  I enjoy topical teaching and expository  teaching.  I provide life related coping skills based on Biblical principles.

Brief Biography:  I endorse the ministry of the local church.  I think equipping the believers is a central Biblical principle.  I am active in my local church.  I teach in the Equip Class ministry, I serve on the Missions Committee and I am on the steering committee of the Grandparents Ministry.  At Denver Seminary I was president of my graduating class.  I was a finalist in the senior preaching award.  I graduated with academic honors from Denver Seminary and The University Of Iowa.  I am semi-retired and continue providing psychotherapy through telemedicine.  Providing pulpit supply for your local church would be my privilege!