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Keeler, Austin

        Conversion Testimony

  • My name is Austin Keeler, and God has gifted me with the ability and passion to preach. I was regenerated by the grace of God at the age of twenty, just over four years ago. I grew up going to church, but as I got older I ran from what I knew to be true. As I was going along in my unconverted state, living a life of deep depravity, I happened upon an online sermon. Something about that sermon struck me. So the next evening I listened to another sermon, and another, and another. I began to hear the gospel. I had heard it before, but now I was truly beginning to hear it, truly beginning to understand the message, this good news about the Savior, Jesus Christ. As I continued to listen to sermons, God was faithful to bring me under conviction of my sin. I wrestled with that conviction for months, yet I still continued to listen to sermons.
  • Finally, I began to cry out to God. Nothing happened. I continued to pray. Nothing happened. After months of hearing the truth, and being burdened by sin, I was broken and exhausted. Then, at midnight on September 1, 2013, I decided to take a shower. I turned the lights out and stepped in. Immediately, I knew God was there. I began to tremble. The truth that I had been hearing over the last several months came flooding back into my mind. I said, “Lord, I am so scared.” At once I was overcome. He brought me to my knees, right there in the shower, trembling and weeping before Him, with revelations of my own depravity as well as revelations of what’s been done for me in Christ. I believe that in this moment I was regenerated, and I stepped out of that shower a new creation.


          Called to Preach

  • I was called immediately to missions, first, as we are all called to take part in God’s mission, and also, as one who knew no other options. The question for me was not, “What shall I now do?” The question I found myself asking was, “What else would I do, now that I know Jesus?” Only a few months later, I entered Missionary Training School. During my first months of walking with Jesus, I remember praying about ministry. Every time the same request would swell up from within me: “Let me preach!” Now, you must know, I was, and still am, an introverted, quiet guy. I had never enjoyed public speaking, nor had I any experience. But the Lord opened my mouth, and I began preaching the very next week, telling others all about what Christ has done for me.
  • After completing Missionary Training School, my wife and I went to West Africa to serve as missionaries with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. After about two years, we have returned to Clarkston, Georgia (the most diverse square mile in the States) where I am church-planting among refugees and immigrants. According to God’s good pleasure, I have preached for numerous congregations of various denominations. I am an expository preacher. I understand that the goal of preaching is not to be impressed with myself, not to impress your congregation with a nice sermon, but to exalt Christ in the eyes of His people. Thank you for considering me and may the Lord bless you.


Your may contact me by email or by phone:

(770) 670 0405

I am a missionary raising financial support to be able to do what I do. I have no predetermined monetary expectations.




Preaching in Côte d’Ivoire.