Davis, Nicholas

I’m a Candidate for the Ministry of Word and Sacrament in the United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA) and a graduate of Westminster Seminary California (May 2014). I’ve served as a pastoral intern at Providence United Reformed Church in Ontario, Canada under the consistory and Rev. Harry Zekveld (2012) and at Christ United Reformed Church in Santee, CA under the consistory and Rev. Michael Brown (2012-2014). More recently, I was able to serve Christ’s church for a season of stated pulpit supply at Cloverdale United Reformed Church in Boise, Idaho (2014). Since being licensed to preach, I’ve traveled to Eastern and Western Canada, all over California (North, Central, and Southern), Montana, Minnesota, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Indiana, Ohio, Chicago, and Idaho.
My wife and I have two children, Calvin and Maddox, and are members of Christ United Reformed Church in Santee, California. I work full-time at the White Horse Inn, and am the editor of UPDATE Magazine at Westminster Seminary California.
I am willing to travel anywhere in North America. but require for all travel expenses to be reimbursed.
In Christ,
Sermon Samples
Psalm 51 – A Summary of the Whole Christian Life:
Psalm 23 – A Psalm For Pilgrims:
For pulpit supply, please contact me at: ndavis@whitehorseinn.org or nickdavis@christurc.org.