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DelValle, Matthew

Name: Matthew DelValle

Home church: Cherrydale Baptist Church, 3910 Lorcom Lane, Arlington, Virginia.

Pastor: Steve King

Denomination: Independent Baptist

Licensed/Ordained: Ordained

Statement of Faith/Theology: Affirm Baptist Faith and Message 2000

Education/Experience: M.Div from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. B.A. from the University of Central Florida. Completed Pastoral Internship at Cherrydale Baptist Church.

Preaching Topics: Whole counsel of God

Preaching Samples:

Additional Notes: I am willing to drive up to two hours from Arlington, Virginia.

Brief Biography: Having been raised by Christian parents active in their church and demonstrative in their faith, I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at an early age. I was baptized by immersion at the age of twelve. I began to sense God’s call into ministry through active involvement in my local church. Through various ministry opportunities, my church experience, my seminary education, and my pastoral internship, I have confirmed the focus of that calling. I am convinced that God has given me the desire and gifts to serve Him through pastoral ministry. I am committed to the proclamation of God in Christ, for the transformation of God’s people, for the exaltation of God in all things.

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