Dillow, Paul

My ministry is devoted to helping Baptist churches in Florida or Southern Georgia currently without a pastor. I am also available for vacation fill-in or special services.
I have been active in the gospel ministry for more than 50 years. After accepting Christ as my savior at the age of ten, my first call was as a youth leader at a Baptist church near our hometown in Ohio. I was later called into the preaching ministry during a revival held by Dr. Lee Roberson who had delivered a challenging message on “answering the call”.
After my ordination, most of my early ministry was bi -vocational. I served as pulpit supply and interim pastor at churches in Southern Ohio and Eastern Kentucky, while employed as safety director at a local steel mill and later as a professor of safety technology at Marshall University. Being bi-vocational gave opportunities to share Jesus outside the walls of the church. After our move to Florida in 2009, I became active at First Baptist Church Daytona Beach first as an adult life group teacher and later as Care Ministry Pastor. In 2022, I stepped down from the Pastor position but continue to preach and teach as God supplies opportunities.
On a personal note, I married the love of my life, Linda, while serving in the U.S. Air Force in 1965. We have 2 wonderful sons, 9 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren. After 57 years, she is still the love of my life. “Jesus leads His dear children along.”
My desire is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to see the lost find The Way, and to encourage His disciples.