Harris, Jason
Name: Jason Harris
Denomination: Calvinistic, Baptist
Licensed/Ordained: Commissioned for gospel ministry 2016
I believe in the inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture, and hold that Scripture should be interpreted through a literal grammatical-historical hermeneutic. I believe that Scripture clearly reveals the sovereignty of God over all things, including the election of his people. I believe that God works through the preaching of his Word to bring about heart change in the individual, and that the offer of the gospel should be proclaimed to all people. This gospel proclamation should be clear and biblical, without man-centered manipulation practices. I believe that preaching is most faithfully accomplished expositorily, allowing God’s Word to speak for itself through verse by verse interpretation. I believe Scripture teaches the practice of believer’s baptism by immersion.
Education: B.S. Baptist Bible College. M-Div. The Expositor’s Seminary (Currently enrolled).
Preaching Topics: The exaltation of Jesus Christ through gospel proclamation. Any topic covered by Scripture, allowing the passage to govern the topical application.
Biography: I surrendered to full-time ministry in 2016 from a career in emergency services. I have ministered as a Public Safety Chaplain and a bi-vocational Pastor in Northeastern, PA. I am currently residing in North Carolina where we are involved in the teaching ministry of our local church while attending Seminary.
Travel: I am willing to travel.