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Category: Pennsylvania

Roiz, Jonathan

Name: Jonathan Roiz Home Church: Andover Baptist Church Pastor: Neil Jackson Statement of Faith/Theology: Education/Experience: Masters of Arts in Theological Studies – Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary Founder of the Hope Movement Theological Seminary Bilingual in English and Spanish Biblical Greek Author of five published books Former Deacon at Faith Fellowship Church Pulpit Supply for Faith Fellowship Church Associate Pastor at Sonshine Fellowship Church Pastor of Iglesia Luz de Cristo Pastor of Iglesia El Camino […]

Flewelling, Curt

My name is Curt Flewelling and I am a born-again Christian who conveys the word of God in a forthright yet lighthearted manner.  It is my honor to help churches throughout the Mid-Atlantic region in need of someone to thoughtfully impart scripture in a sincere and loving way, that attracts rather than repels.  In addition to guest preaching, I am an author, talk show host and speaker.  I comment on the issues of the day […]

Severe, Huschai

Hello! My name is Huschai (who-shy) Severe (as in severe thunderstorm or headache) :). The Lord gave me the desire to preach when I was 13 years old. During my teen years, I also wanted to be in the NFL but the Lord had other plans. I remember one summer when I was on the football field and I thought to myself, “do I really want to play football for the next 15 years of […]

Laible, Greg

Hello, my name is Greg Laible and I find joy in proclaiming the Hope that is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have been preaching expository messages from the Bible for over 30 years now and I look forward to the opportunity to continue to do so as God allows. Currently, I am in transition from ministering at a rural church in Pennsylvania where I have served as the senior pastor for the […]

DePra, David

Preaching “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Preaching Inquiry Your Message 1+10=?

Harris, Jason

Name: Jason Harris Denomination: Calvinistic, Baptist Licensed/Ordained: Commissioned for gospel ministry 2016 Distinctives: I believe in the inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture, and hold that Scripture should be interpreted through a literal grammatical-historical hermeneutic. I believe that Scripture clearly reveals the sovereignty of God over all things, including the election of his people. I believe that God works through the preaching of his Word to bring about heart change in the individual, and that the […]

Stiffler, Brandon

I am a Pastor local to the Indiana, PA area currently working for Amplify Church as the Pastoral Care Director/Small Group Coordinator and am working on my M.A. in Theological Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. I seek to share the word in a compelling and engaging manner so that everyone can walk away feeling as if they understand the Bible a bit better. I love to speak to all groups of people and look […]

Villafane, Tony

Name: Tony Villafane Home church: Lancaster Evangelical Free Pastor: Tony Hunt Denomination: Evangelical Free Education/Experience: Pastoral Ministry Degree from Lancaster Bible College Honorarium: Up to the discretion of the church I am full-time student pursuing my Masters of Divinity through Lancaster Bible College|Capital Seminary and Graduate School . My greatest passion in life is to preach and teach. I am a dynamic and engaging preacher.  My heart and passion more specifically is for discipling and […]

Tilton, Skip (Creation Evangelist)

A native of New England, Skip grew up between homes in Essex, CT and Cuttyhunk Island, MA. During high school, Skip studied at a vocational technical school to become an electrician. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the US Navy and served as a Sonar Technician on board a nuclear submarine. While in the Navy, however, his whole life changed. He became a Christian. After serving six years in the Navy, Skip was honorably discharged and […]

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