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Tilton, Skip (Creation Evangelist)

Evangelist Skip Tilton

A native of New England, Skip grew up between homes in Essex, CT and Cuttyhunk Island, MA. During high school, Skip studied at a vocational technical school to become an electrician. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the US Navy and served as a Sonar Technician on board a nuclear submarine. While in the Navy, however, his whole life changed. He became a Christian.

After serving six years in the Navy, Skip was honorably discharged and began attending Baptist University of America with a degree emphasis in Missions. Two years later the school closed and Skip enrolled at Bob Jones University. He completed a B.A. in Bible with a minor in Pulpit Speech and later earned a Master of Ministry degree. During his college years, he had many opportunities to speak and to work with missions, including serving as a foreign mission team leader. He was ordained by Morningside Baptist Church of Greenville, SC and in 1993, he became pastor of Finger Lakes Baptist Church in Geneva, NY. During his tenure as pastor he was called upon to speak at pastors’ conferences, mission conferences, retreats and other events.

Burdened by the failure of many Christians to see the importance of the authority of scripture, and seeing first hand in his church how critical the understanding of a biblical worldview and the relevance of the Genesis/Creation message can change a person’s life and impact the local church, the Lord led Skip to join the staff of Answers in Genesis (AiG) in Kentucky in 1997. There he served almost 10 years as an evangelistic speaker and also played a pivotal supervisory role in the coordination, planning, design, and construction of the AiG Creation Museum, offices, and warehousing facility.

Skip’s love for teaching the biblical worldview and relational creation messages, especially in helping local churches, led him to Creation Ministries International. As an evangelist with CMI–US, Skip continued to minister, providing the understanding needed to strengthen their faith and equipping them with a stronger biblical worldview. His powerful messages have excited audiences all across the country – at evangelistic conferences, mission conferences, youth retreats, camps, Christian leaders meetings, church services and in public schools and universities. These meetings present challenging, illustrated messages on the authority of scripture and the relevance of Genesis to the Gospel, society, evangelism, church growth, and daily living. In December of 2010, the Lord led Skip to form his own ministry, From Day One Ministries. Harvest Baptist Church of Rock Hill, SC and Morningside Baptist Church of Greenville, SC are helping this effort and providing support and accountability as this ministry moves forward.

From Day One Ministries serves local churches through a diversified range of ministry programs designed to meet the specific needs of churches and Christian organizations. Our role is to support the local church in proclaiming the total authority and absolute truth of the Bible and thus its gospel message.  An informed and practical understanding of a biblical worldview and the biblical creation dramatically strengthens a Christian’s faith and lays a solid foundation for personal growth and effective community evangelism.

We have no set fee’s and have conducted ministry in the USA, Canada, and as far away as Asia. We accept donations, love offerings and honorariums for our ministry. We ask that organizations requesting our ministry consider partnering with us as we serve as missionary evangelists. We would be honored to help you in the mission God has called you to do in ministering to your congregation or organization.  If you would like to talk to him about scheduling a meeting, Skip can be reached on his cell at 859-663-1475 or at  Let us know how we can serve you.  We look forward to hearing from you. 

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