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Category: Tennessee

Seaver, William

Contact Me Ministry Background (a) Exposed to Campus Crusade while at The University of Texas and went to several training sessions.  While working on my Ph.D. at Texas A&M, I started the Crusade moment there.  Shared the gospel and discipled key students for leadership roles in Crusade. Upon leaving for my first academic assignment at Louisiana Tech University, we had about 150-200 students involved in Crusade with at least 10 going into missions and […]

Vaughan, Adam

My passion is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry… to present them mature and complete as I invite them into knowing Him and making Him known… I burn to see people walk in freedom, joy, hope, wholeness, and intimacy with Jesus. Currently I am serving as a Discipleship Pastor (in a non-denominational church) as well as continuing projects in Costa Rica (where I lived for 7 years as a missionary), but […]

Miller, Everett L

Larry grew up in a German Lutheran church, was born again while a pastor in the UCC, worked for a messianic Jewish evangelist and wrote a training manual for short term missions. He earned a D. Min. from Oral Roberts University and has taken over 25 short-term mission trips. His interests include discipleship and history as it applies to the Church today. He and his wife Sue are active members of Silverdale Baptist Church in […]

DeRuvo, Fred

Name: Fred DeRuvo Home church: Bible Baptist Church, Hampton, GA (Pastor Loren Regier) Denomination: Independent Baptist Statement of Faith/Theology: Statement of beliefs can be read at Fred’s blog page at StudyGrowKnowBlog. Education/Experience: Bachelor of Bible degree (Philadelphia College of Bible), Masters in Biblical Studies (Tyndale), and Doctorate of Theology (Northwestern). Fred has been involved various forms of ministry over the years, as a youth director/assistant pastor, and also worked at Youth for Christ. Teaching adult Sunday school classes […]

Day, Cody

Would be so happy to discuss any of this with you! Give me a call or send me an email I will answer any questions you may have! Name: Cody Day Home church: New Victory Church Pastor: Tyler Dalton Denomination: Baptist Licensed/Ordained: Licensed to the ministry on February 12, 2017 Statement of Faith/Theology: Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Conservative theologically, Andersonville Theological Survey Education/Experience: Andersonville Theological Seminary, Industrial Operations Degree, Minor In Philosophically from ETSU Preaching Topics: I will promise to […]

Phares, Bill

A fellow sojourner in life who has been called to preach the Good News of Jesus. This journey began in 1973 and I have been surprised and blessed along the journey. I was raised in a Methodist home and church. My family was very active and it was in this nurture that I heard the call of God to preach at age 23. I had returned home from a tour of duty in Vietnam two years […]

Bibb, Aaron J.

Name: Aaron J. Bibb Home church: Victory Baptist Church, Copperas Cove, TX Pastor: Erick Knight Denomination: Independent Baptist Licensed/Ordained: Licensed by Tabernacle Baptist Church, Raeford, NC in Oct 2015. Education/Experience: Associates of Arts in Religion, three years experience preaching the gospel in Tennessee, North Carolina, Texas, and Afghanistan. Can provide references upon request. Preaching Topics: Spiritually gifted in exhortation. Preaching Samples: Additional Notes: Available for pulpit supply, special meetings, youth rally’s/events, and revivals. Willing […]

Bledsoe, Wayne

Name:  Larry “Wayne” Bledsoe, Jr. Home church:  Thomas Village Baptist Church – Duffield, VA Pastor: Bryan Gunter Denomination: SBCV – Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia Licensed/Ordained: Licensed 2005/Ordained 2008 Pastoral experience includes both Assistant Pastor and Lead Pastor. Currently Co-leading Wednesday Night Children’s Ministry (4th-7th Grade) Currently leading AWANA Journey (9th-12th Grade) class Interested in Pulpit Supply     Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Preaching Inquiry Your Message 5+7=?

Burt, Alex

I was born again in September of 1997 and preached my first sermon on December 31, 1997. My passion is evangelism. Most of my ministry is on the streets of Athens, GA. Sharing the Gospel with tracts, conversations and preaching is the primary method. Currently, I am Serving in my home church, as a deacon, trustee and a member of the church direction team. Doing so has increased my desire to minister to the body […]

Tilton, Skip (Creation Evangelist)

A native of New England, Skip grew up between homes in Essex, CT and Cuttyhunk Island, MA. During high school, Skip studied at a vocational technical school to become an electrician. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the US Navy and served as a Sonar Technician on board a nuclear submarine. While in the Navy, however, his whole life changed. He became a Christian. After serving six years in the Navy, Skip was honorably discharged and […]

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