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DeRuvo, Fred

Name: Fred DeRuvo

Home church: Bible Baptist Church, Hampton, GA (Pastor Loren Regier)

Denomination: Independent Baptist

Statement of Faith/Theology: Statement of beliefs can be read at Fred’s blog page at StudyGrowKnowBlog.

Education/Experience: Bachelor of Bible degree (Philadelphia College of Bible), Masters in Biblical Studies (Tyndale), and Doctorate of Theology (Northwestern). Fred has been involved various forms of ministry over the years, as a youth director/assistant pastor, and also worked at Youth for Christ. Teaching adult Sunday school classes has always been something Fred has been involved in.

Fred’s ministry, Study-Grow-Know Ministries, began in roughly 2010 and his weekly blog is at StudyGrowKnowBlog

Author: Over 30 books have been authored by Fred. Here is a sampling:

Preaching Topics: Fred endeavors to make the Bible applicable to the average Christian today. These are difficult days and knowing that God is sovereign and in control helps develop a godly fear that all Christians need as we move through this life. We should fear God more than the world’s system and what it can do to us.

The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death (Proverbs 14:27)
The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverse mouth I hate (Proverbs 8:13)
By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil (Proverbs 16:6)
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding (Proverbs 9:10)

Preaching Samples:

Brief Biography: Fred has filled numerous pulpits in New York, California (states where Fred used to live), and in Georgia. Fred currently lives in Middle Georgia on several acres in the country – Concord, just southwest of Griffin – with his wife Silvia, their dog, three cats and chickens. Both Fred’s and Silvia’s daughter and son are married; their daughter and her husband live near Chattanooga TN and have two young sons and their adult son and his wife live in north Macon and their first child – a girl – is expected early May.

Except for continued church work/ministry, Fred is retired. Much of his adult life has been spent as an elementary teacher then college teacher in California (for roughly 20 years). Fred’s wife Silvia, continues working from home in the education field and both have always been active in church and will continue that practice until called home by the Lord.

Please feel free to contact Fred by clicking the “Contact” button below.

Blessings in Christ,

Fred DeRuvo

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