Mannon, Tony
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Name: Paul I. Armstrong Home church: Cornerstone Christian Church Pastor: Rev Robert (Bob) Paddock Denomination: Christian Church of Christ Licensed/Ordained:1987 Deacon, 1993 Elder – Free Methodist Church of N. America Statement of Faith/Theology: I strive to make Biblical theology practical and accessible. I affirm the Apostle’s Creed, am conservative, Biblical and evangelistic. Education/Experience: BA/Spring Arbor University, 30+ years pastoral experience. Preaching Topics: Practical Christianity, Spiritual Leadership, Faith, Family, Spiritual Growth, Prayer Preaching Samples: Additional Notes: […]
Name: Nate Downey Home church: Forest Baptist Church, Forest, VA Pastor: Dr. Tyler Scarlett Denomination: Southern Baptist Statement of Faith/Theology: Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Abstract of Principles Education/Experience: B.S. in Religious Studies, Liberty University (2015); Student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Preaching Topics: Expository Preaching, Apologetics Additional Notes: I am new to preaching and would like to gain experience, I an willing to travel in VA, NC, WV. Compensation is not required but gas money is appreciated. I prefer the ESV but will use […]
A native of New England, Skip grew up between homes in Essex, CT and Cuttyhunk Island, MA. During high school, Skip studied at a vocational technical school to become an electrician. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the US Navy and served as a Sonar Technician on board a nuclear submarine. While in the Navy, however, his whole life changed. He became a Christian. After serving six years in the Navy, Skip was honorably discharged and […]
Name: David Fiensy Home church: First Church of Christ, Grayson, KY Pastor: Scott Ford Denomination: Christian Churches Licensed/Ordained: Ordained, 1971. Statement of Faith/Theology: Evangelical Education/Experience: B.A., Cincinnati Christian University; M.A., Xavier University; Ph.D., Duke University Preaching Topics: I do mostly expository sermons on specific texts or stories from both the Old and New Testaments (with occasional topical sermons) Preaching Samples: Brief Biography: I have 37 years of teaching and preaching experience. I am newly retired from teaching New Testament at Kentucky Christian University. […]
Creation speaker Joel Tay became a Christian at the age of seven after his father, a pastor, shared the Gospel with him. Ever since, he has been interested in apologetics and the defense of the faith, and in particular how evolution affects Christian theology. In 2001, He graduated with a Diploma in Biotechnology (equivalent to a 3 year Associate Degree) from Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Singapore) with an emphasis on the commercial viability of rooftop hydroponics […]
Although creation speaker Keaton Halley was converted to Christ as a young boy, for years he had unanswered questions about why evolution and the evidence he learned in science classes was not consistent with the Bible stories he heard in church. It wasn’t until his senior year of high school that he first heard a creation speaker explain how the geological evidence, dinosaurs, and biological complexity were completely consistent with the Bible’s historical account. To […]
Creation Speaker Dr Robert Carter was converted to Christ at an early age, but did not know what to do with the theory of evolution. He always knew what he wanted to believe, but had no way to express what he was thinking and no evidence to support his views. In his freshman year of college, he was exposed to the information for creation for the first time and soon after adopted it as his […]
Creation speaker Dr Jonathan Sarfati is a dual citizen of Australia and New Zealand. He earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from a secular NZ university. Dr Sarfati co-authored papers in mainstream scientific journals including one on high-temperature superconductors published in Nature when he was 22. Jonathan was a co-founder of an Apologetics Society in New Zealand, then joined Creation Ministries International in Australia in 1996. In 2010, he and his American wife transferred from […]
Scott Gillis – COO, Creation Ministries International (US) After creation speaker Scott Gillis was converted to Christ at the age of 19, he received a B.A. in Religious Studies from Oregon State University. His education still left him with doubts regarding the inconsistencies between evolution, science, world history, and a straight-forward reading of the Bible. Years later, a friend who was a paleontologist demonstrated to him how scientific evidence actually makes more sense when interpreted […]