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Sarfati, Jonathan (Creation Speaker)

Creation speaker Dr Jonathan Sarfati is a dual citizen of Australia and New Zealand. He earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from a secular NZ university.

Dr Sarfati co-authored papers in mainstream scientific journals including one on high-temperature superconductors published in Nature when he was 22.

Jonathan was a co-founder of an Apologetics Society in New Zealand, then joined Creation Ministries International in Australia in 1996. In 2010, he and his American wife transferred from the Australian office to the USA office near Atlanta.

Dr Sarfati has authored some of the most popular and powerful books on the issues of origins, st
rongly defending biblical (‘young earth’) creation and refuting the strongest arguments for evolution and millions of years. His first book, Refuting Evolution, has sold half a million copies, making it the best-selling creationist book of all time (apart from the Bible!). His latest and most important book is The Genesis Account, a thorough 800-page theological and scientific commentary on Genesis 1–11.

See a sample video of Dr Jonathan Sarfati:

Here is a short overview of our model (what’s involved):

We do not charge any fees.  We accept honorariums, donations and love offerings on a voluntary basis.
• We request to have CMI resources available at each event. (This helps link people to vital information, and assists them in sharing the faith.)
• We ask the church, if possible, to reimburse (or contribute to) the cost of the hotel stay for the speaker. We will book the accommodations.
• We ask permission to circulate signup sheets during the presentation for our e-newsletter and Creation Magazine.

Our presentations are performed via PowerPoint; the presentations are filming friendly, and are 50-60 minutes in length.  All of our speakers will give the congregation what we call a relevance message for the main service time. This presentation starts with scripture and links people to the importance of Genesis and its connection to the Gospel message.  It then explains the different types of science being used when investigating the origins issue.  After that we move into an evidence section that talks about flood geology, fossilization, and dating methods.  The last part of the discussion will show how to use this message to be strengthened and share the faith. We have many topics to choose from if we have time for multiple sessions.

Additional information:
CMI’s Statement of Faith
What we do


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