Category: Illinois
I am a retired pastor, having served three churches in Massachusetts and Illinois over 25+ years. My wife Nancy and I have two grown daughters and five grandchildren. We live in Marengo, IL, and attend Victory Rock Fellowship, a Southern Baptist church. Ron Bruce is our pastor. I fill the pulpit there when Ron calls on me, and Nancy and I lead worship. Our pastor supports my taking opportunities to preach elsewhere. I am an […]
My name is Dr. Bill Merrifield. I serve as the Vice President of Engagement for IDEAS where I provide leadership for culturally-situated, transformative programs and projects around the world. I love to preach. I have an undergraduate degree in Theology from Wheaton College, a MA in Religion from Trinity International University, an MA in Middle Eastern Studies from the American University of Beirut, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from George Fox University. Home church: […]
Name: Bob Faulkner Home church: Brynford Bible Church, Chicago Pastor: Church is presently searching. Denomination: Bible Church. Licensed/Ordained: In 1968. Not at present. Statement of Faith/Theology: Conservative in theology, premillennial in eschatology. Education/Experience: Seminary-trained 1964-1968. Preaching Topics: Expository teaching of Romans, Jude, Galatians, Hebrews. Topics: Kingdom of God, Last Things, Eternal Judgments, Studies on Islam, Koran, Jehovah’s Witnesses. Preaching Samples: at, one can find 3,300 audios of my teaching, and reading of some of […]
1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Name: Ethan Paulsen Home church: First Christian Church of Morris, IL. Pastor: Scott Zorn Denomination: Nondenominational Licensed/Ordained: Ordained in the Christian Church since 2014. Education/Experience: I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Preaching in 2015. I worked in the church for 4 years, preaching every Sunday for about half that time. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Preaching Inquiry Your Message 12+2=?
Home Church: Bethel Church Educational Experience: Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from Grace College Preaching Experience: I have been doing pulpit supply for a number of churches in Northwest Indiana for the past six years. I have also been working with the youth at my home church for the past three years. Preaching style: Expository, gospel centered Heart’s desire: My desire is to assist churches that are going through a season without a pastor […]
Saolomon Mouacheupao My Church: Currently helping to plant a church in Evanston IL My Pastor: Tae Hwang- Church Planter under NAMB Denomination: SBC Statement of Faith/Theological Convictions: The Baptist Faith and Message 2000, The Gospel Coalition Confessional Statement of Faith— Reformed Baptist Education and Experience: I’m finishing my last semester for my BA in Biblical Exposition at the Moody Bible Institute. Served in local church ministry for 5 years and college ministry for 3 years. […]
Jay Payleitner has authored more than 25 books for major Christian publishers including Tyndale, Harvest House, Multnomah, Worthy, DaySpring, and Bethany House, with sales of more than a half million books. His bestsellers include 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad, The Jesus Dare, What If God Wrote Your Bucket List?, and three books on marriage: 52 Things Wives Need from Their Husbands, 52 Things Husbands Need from Their Wives, and 52 Ways to Connect […]
Who am I? Curt Audet; follower of the Lord since 1982; married to Mineke since 1990; father of four sons, and grandfather of 6. We have lived in St. Charles, Illinois since 2000. I enjoy biking, hiking, designing and building carpentry projects and spending time with my family. My home church is Harvest Bible Chapel (Aurora, IL). My wife and I have served with our pastor Craig Steiner since 2011 when the Aurora […]
Home Church: Christ Community of Urbana, IL Pastor: John Elliot Denomination: Acts 29 (Church Planting Network) Education/Experience: Pursuing B.S. in Ministry Leadership from Moody Bible Institute; Associates from Parkland College. Lectures on ‘Christ-Centered Preaching’ given by Dr. Bryan Chapell of Covenant Seminary, as well as material from Preaching Rocket. Monthly mini-sermons at Brookstone Senior Living. Preached Sunday Services at Christian Life in Rantoul, Lodge Church of God in Lodge, and St. Paul’s Lutheran in Gifford. […]