Thompson, Dusty

I have served in the ministry for 15 years as Youth pastor, Associate pastor, and Lead pastor in various churches with my awesome family; wife, Lisa, and our 4 boys, Christian, Corban, Cylan, and Canaan. I am currently an ordained elder in the church of the Nazarene and hold a M.A. in Pastoral Ministry. God has called our family into a new season of life and will be working towards a church plant in St. Louis. In the meantime, we would love to come share the gift of the gospel at your church.
I am a passionate, energetic, proclaimer of Jesus and His love for His bride. My desire is to help move people and their affections closer to Jesus, to help people come and behold their savior. There is nothing better than God’s people marveling at him in worship!
It is my hope to serve in any degree the Lord can use me while we are in this transition period into church planting.
We currently live in St. Louis, MO but I am willing to travel any distance, provided expenses are covered and an honorarium is provided. Depending on distance it is our hope to book dates that we can do the trip in a single day, however we are not limited to single day trips.
We look forward to partnering with you in God’s work. Grace and peace!