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Jeakins, Scott

Home Church: Christ Community of Urbana, IL

Pastor: John Elliot

Denomination: Acts 29 (Church Planting Network)

Education/Experience: Pursuing B.S. in Ministry Leadership from Moody Bible Institute; Associates from Parkland College. Lectures on ‘Christ-Centered Preaching’ given by Dr. Bryan Chapell of Covenant Seminary, as well as material from Preaching Rocket. Monthly mini-sermons at Brookstone Senior Living. Preached Sunday Services at Christian Life in Rantoul, Lodge Church of God in Lodge, and St. Paul’s Lutheran in Gifford.

Preaching Samples:


I am from Rantoul, IL (which is about 150 miles south of Chicago) and work at Heartland Bank in Champaign as a branch supervisor. I am studying at Moody Bible Institute to help prepare myself with one day becoming a pastor. My favorite hobbies are spending quality time with my wife Natasha, our family and friends, runningreading, and watching documentaries (be still, my heart). God saved me in 2010 and has blessed me with a wonderful life that I don’t deserve. My greatest passion is sharing the good news of the joy and peace Jesus brings to our thirsty hearts.

I am willing to preach at all kinds of churches since Christ has died to bring down any walls of hostility between us (Eph 2). I love the church, want to help lead it into loving Jesus more, and know how much believers are set free into life by all that God in Christ has done. My heart is for helping people understand how great God’s love is for them, and how their lives can be transformed by it. Therefore, I am not picky about Bible translations, dress, age group, or denominational affiliation; I will comply with any of these things. I want to preach the gospel of God to whoever will listen. Expect gospel-centered expository messages, applications for faithful living, and an appropriate tie-in to the Lord Jesus Christ from any text.

In terms of travel, please reach out so we can see if it can be worked out. I don’t ask for any honorarium, but may request travel expenses be covered. Thank you for looking over my post and look forward to hearing from anyone I can serve.


Grace and peace,


Scott C. Jeakins

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