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Severe, Huschai


My name is Huschai (who-shy) Severe (as in severe thunderstorm or headache) :). The Lord gave me the desire to preach when I was 13 years old. During my teen years, I also wanted to be in the NFL but the Lord had other plans. I remember one summer when I was on the football field and I thought to myself, “do I really want to play football for the next 15 years of my life?” I got a really nasty feeling in my stomach. It was at that time the Lord began literally drawing my heart to ministry. It was inescapable! Every night after school, I prayed about being in ministry and preaching. As I prayed, I would always feel a strong sense of God’s presence and a strong conviction that he wanted me to transition to preaching. I finally made the decision to begin pursing ministry. I graduated from Cairn University with degrees in social work, bible, and master in Divinity. I love preaching and teaching! I’d love to come to your event and help out by speaking. I am also training to be a walk thru the Bible teacher.

I am willing to travel anywhere in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware or any where in the United States as long as there are travel accommodations!

Philadelphia, PA

Here are links to my previous sermons! Enjoy!! 🙂;;

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