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Locke, Jason

I am an evangelical preacher that has extensive training in the Brethren tradition and the Baptist tradition. The past 12 years I have been doing jail and prison ministry.

I am an assistant Chaplain at the Elkhart County Jail. Monday night I have a service/Bible Study with the men incarcerated in Cpod of the jail. I also play a role in helping these men when they are released from the jail or prison system. I spend other times building relationships with the men that are incarcerated.

I am a commissioned pastor through the Nappenee First Brethren Church. I have had preaching experience through being a lay pastor in the Methodist church when I was going through school. I have two masters degrees. One in Ministry from Bethel College and one in MDiv. in Chaplaincy from Liberty University. I would love to discuss how I might be able to help fill a need of your church.

Please feel free to contact me at the link below.

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