Moorefield, Chuck
Name: Chuck Moorefield
Home church: New Friendship Baptist Church, Winston Salem, NC
Pastor: Rev. Chris Byrne
Denomination: Southern Baptist
Licensed/Ordained: Ordained December 10, 2011
Statement of Faith/Theology: Theologically Conservative
Education/Experience: Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Virginia Commonwealth University. Master of Ministry (M. Min.), Piedmont International University.
Preaching Topics: Anything in the Bible. Evangelism. Current events relative to a Biblical viewpoint.
Preaching Samples: Coming Soon
Website: Our Daily Commitment
Additional Notes: I will preach anywhere God calls and am unhindered to freely share the gospel.
Brief Biography: After obtaining my Master of Ministry degree from Piedmont International University I was ordained to the ministry at Triad Baptist Church in Kernersville, NC. God has given me the privilege of preaching in a variety of settings such as Sunday morning and evening church services, nursing homes, and home meetings. Currently, I live in Winston-Salem North Carolina with my wife, son, and daughter where we are active members of New Friendship Baptist Church.
My passion is to reach the lost, as well as to help brothers and sisters in Christ grow in their relationship with Him. I believe the best way to accomplish both goals is to preach the Word in a way that will:
- inspire believers to live their lives for the glory of God, also
- convince the lost of their need for a loving savior who died to make a relationship with Him possible.
I look forward to helping your group whether you need a one time guest preacher or someone for a special event.
If you would like to speak with me about preaching, please reach out to me via Facebook or Twitter or use the contact button below.
In Christ,