Muck, William
Name: William (Bill) Muck
Home church: Currently searching for a Bible believing church in the Northern Idaho or Eastern Washington area.
Pastor: Served as Senior Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Reno, NV for nearly 10 years.
Denomination: Baptist or non-denominational
Licensed/Ordained: 2013
Statement of Faith/Theology:
View of GOD.
• God is holy, just, and righteous
• We must seek to express His communicable attributes
• Inspiration – The Holy Bible is “God-breathed” (II Tim.3:16; II Peter 1:20-21)
• Inerrancy – The Holy Bible contains no errors. God conveyed divine truth to divinely chosen individuals (Ps.19)
• Authority – The Holy Bible tells me what I must do.
• Sufficiency – The Holy Bible is totally sufficient for every circumstance. (II Peter 1:3-4; Ps.119; II Tim. 3:17; Heb.4:12)
• Relevancy – The Holy Bible is totally relevant for every situation. (Ps.19; II Tim.3:17; Ps.119:105; Isaiah 40:8)
View of MAN.
• Mankind, apart from God, is totally depraved.
• On his own, he cannot do good (Romans 3:10-18)
• His heart is deceitfully wicked (Jer.17:9-10)
• His goal in life is selfishness and evil (Genesis 6:5)
• Because of sin, he seeks to glorify only himself (Romans 3:23)
View of the CHURCH.
• The purpose of the Church is to worship and glorify God
• The Church is designed to be a repository of divine truth.
• The Church must hold to a context of loving fellowship and edification.
• The Church must be a training center where people can grow and utilize spiritual gifts.
• The Church is to be a light in this dark world, for the evangelization of the lost.
Biblical View of LEADERSHIP.
• Model the character of Christ for the flock
• Adequately equip their people to do the work of the ministry
• Provide ample opportunity for them to do this work
Education/Experience: MDiv (Master’s of Divinity) from Multnomah University. Graduated Summa Cum Laude (3.95 GPA)
Preaching Topics: I can easily preach on nearly any topic in the Bible, but particularly favor New Testament gospels.
Preaching Samples: Below are several videos from our recent church services:
Additional Notes:
Brief Biography:
Senior Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church, Sparks, NV. 2013–2020
- Preach and serve a congregation of approx. 50 members by providing weekly sermons, pastoral leadership, Bible Study groups, and pastoral counseling.
- Create video/PowerPoint media presentations for all church services.
- Prepare budgets, perform financial analysis, disciple leadership teams, conduct elder/membership meetings, manage social media and web-based outreach ministry.
- Establish and manage “Outreach Service Projects” for church participation in our community
- Perform hospital/home visits for members in need.
- Establish, educate and lead church participation in Homeless Ministries.
- Coordinate outreach efforts with pastors, clergy, and church leadership from other churches.
Founder and Executive Director, UpReach Reno, Reno, NV. 2018–2020
- Manage and direct all operations of a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the needs of our homeless community.
- Promote and enlist support of charitable donors and organizations.
- Speak at public gatherings and civic groups about our homeless community.
- Coordinate with City, County and State agencies as an advocate for homeless individuals.
- Prepare budgets and financial planning and goal setting for all aspects of operations.
- Work to effectively present the needs of the homeless to our local community members.
Adjunct Professor of Biblical Greek, Multnomah University, Reno, NV. 2017–2020
- Guide and instruct undergraduate and graduate students in concepts of Biblical Greek
- Prepare and execute lesson plans and curriculum.
- Create video presentations and lessons, including online learning via Zoom
- Track, monitor and record student progression through complex projects.
- Guide and mentor students in their studies and personal lives.
- Participate in staff training, planning and preparedness .