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Nichols, Derrick

I am currently a young adult minister as well as a seminary student.  I would like to gain more experience preaching as my goal is to one day pastor my own church.  I have preached on numerous occasions in the past and would describe my style of preaching as very passionate and rooted in the word.  I try to take big concepts and make them easy for everyone to understand and applicable to all.  My favorite quote is from John Wesley, “Catch on fire with enthusiasm and the whole world will come to watch you burn.”  If you’re not excited about God’s grace, you can’t expect anyone else to be.  My goal in preaching is to stay true to God’s word, help His followers come to have a closer and more knowledgeable relationship with Him and motivate said followers to live the word in their homes and communities.  I’m willing to travel to just about anywhere within a 200 mile radius to preach.  That might seem like a long distance but God has given me a desire to preach to His children and I’ll do what it takes to fulfill the calling He has given me.

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