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Rehkemper, Robert

Name: Rob Rehkemper

Home church: Montague Baptist Church
12186 Millbank Rd, King George, VA 22485

Pastor: Dennis Peacock

Denomination: Southern Baptist, Independent Baptist

Licensed/Ordained: Licensed\Ordained

Statement of Faith/Theology: Affirm Baptist Faith and Message 2000

Education/Experience: Master in Biblical Studies from Northwest Baptist Seminary Tacoma, Washington

Preaching Topics: Expository Preaching of the entire word of God, developing and applying as the Holy Spirit guides.

Preaching Samples:Sunday School lessons currently is all that is recorded

Additional Notes: I am willing to drive up to three hours from King George, Virginia.

Brief Biography: I was raised the son of a Catholic Marine Corp Gunnery Sargeant, one of 7 children. My first 10 years were spent moving from place to place until Dad retired from the Marine Corps and we move to Hawaii. I was raised in Hawaii as a Catholic, enjoying hiking, gardening and body surfing. I chose to get involved in drugs at the age of 13 and was its captive until at the age of 24 I asked Jesus Christ to be my Savior, everything changed from there. Having a heart to not see others waste their lives in drugs my wife and I poured our hearts into teenagers and heard the calling of God to preach and evangelize. In 1968 I completed a Masters program in Biblical Studies and headed for a church planting ministry in Hawaii for the next 22 years. My wife and I have two wonderful children and 6 grandsons, we have provided foster care for 17 children.

Since moving to Virginia following the completion of our ministry in Hawaii I have taught Adult Sunday School and filled pulpits locally as the opportunities have arose. Looking to have more opportunities to challenge people with the vibrant truth in God’s Holy Word.

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