Rieke, Daniel
Name: Daniel Rieke
Email: daniel.rieke@hopechurchhouston.org
Home church: Hope Church (Houston, TX) – www.hopechurchhouston.org
Denomination: Southern Baptist, 9Marks affiliation as well; I love all denominations that preach Christ!
Licensed/Ordained: Yes, ordained Southern Baptist minister
Statement of Faith/Theology: In addition to being in agreement with the Pulpit Supply statement of faith, here is a link to my church’s statement of faith.
• B.A. in Finance, from Texas A&M University (2008)
• Intern at Houston’s First Baptist Church, evangelism and college ministry (2010-2011)
• Pastoral Internship Training Program at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C. (2011)
• Associate Pastor, Hope Church (2012-present)
Preaching Topics: wide variety; generally expositional/expository in approach
Preaching Samples: You can hear my recent sermon series through 1-2 Samuel here and through Ruth here.
Additional Notes: My church meets on Sunday evenings, so Sunday mornings are almost always open for me to fill in at other churches. I am able to serve with Pulpit Supply without taking away from my time worshiping with my own local church, which is a blessing.
Brief Biography:
God graciously saved me at a young age. I had a genuine love for God, but I misunderstood many implications of the gospel. Most significantly, I misunderstood the complete nature of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, and as a result, I erroneously believed that I could lose my salvation. I failed to understand that on the cross Jesus paid the penalty for all of my sin – past, present AND future – and that I stood forgiven before God through faith in Jesus.
While in college, primarily through a steady diet of solid expositional preaching, God revealed to me the full implications of the gospel – most-notably that I was eternally secure with God through faith in Jesus. This correction in theology has led to ever-increasing joy, spiritual growth, and love for my Savior and a deep affection for His Word and His Church.
After graduating from college with a degree in finance, I worked for a financial consulting firm in Houston. It was in that season where I met my beautiful wife, who is objective evidence of God’s kindness to me. The Lord also used that season to strip me of some lingering idolatry. I became convicted of my prideful desire to be considered successful by those around me and that I had been running away from a call to vocational ministry out of a desire for financial comfort. Ultimately, I was living to please people, and I was subconsciously looking to money for security, rather than seeing God as the ultimate treasure and greater than anything I could find in the world.
In time, God graciously placed me on staff at Houston’s First Baptist Church where I worked with the college ministry and the evangelism department. After a wonderful season on staff there, I was given the opportunity to participate in a pastoral training program at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. with Pastor Mark Dever. After completing that program, my family moved back to Houston to become a part of Hope Church, where I am one of the pastors and preachers on staff.