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Riley, Patrick

Patrick Lee Riley, Jr, was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. He grew up loving the game of basketball. He played varsity basketball at Hickman Mills High School and after his graduation in 2007 he received an athletic scholarship from Peru State College in Peru, Nebraska where he received his Bachelors of Psychology.

Patrick had dreams of playing professional basketball overseas, but the Lord had taken control of his heart and his love for Christ and to do his will superseded his desire to chase his childhood dream of playing professional basketball. So, Patrick yielded his life to Christ completely. In October 2017, Patrick was hired full-time to work at Macedonia Baptist Church as a pastoral resident, funded by an organization called Made to Flourish. In May 2018, Patrick completed a two-year internship program with Macedonia. In that same year Patrick was officially licensed to preach the Gospel and endorsed by Macedonia Baptist Church of Kansas City. Patrick also graduated from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master’s of Divinity in May 2019. 

Patrick is married to Lindsey Riley and father to three beautiful children. Patrick’s hobbies include playing basketball and spending time with friends and family, as well as reading books he believes that knowledge is power. His favorite scripture is 1st Peter 4: 8 “Above all love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins”. Patrick’s life has been impacted so much by the love of Christ that he has devoted his life to the saying Sola Gratia .

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