Smith, Kevin

Home Church: Kingsway Baptist Church, Lake Wylie, SC
Pastor: Jerry Jacquot
Denomination: Independent Baptist
Ordained: Feb. 7, 1982 – Shenandoah Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA
Statement of Faith/Theology: Committed conservative to the fundamentals of the faith and Premillennial in perspective
Education/Experience: BA (Bible) – Tennessee Temple University; Master of Divinity (Old Testament focus) – Temple Baptist Seminary; PhD (Theology) – Trinity Theological Seminary / Thirty-eight years of pastoral experience
Preaching Topics: Have developed expositional sermon series through many Bible books as well as thematic preaching/teaching studies on key issues of doctrine and the spiritual life
Preaching samples: 1.
Additional notes: The theme of my ministry is best described by this phrase “Opening the Scriptures to open hearts.”
Brief Biography: I am a native of Roanoke, VA and received Christ at a revival meeting there in 1972. Serving the body of Christ by means of a committed pulpit ministry has been the joy of my heart. I hope to continue to minister in local fellowships by means of faithful pulpit supply as the Lord might open doors of opportunity. The Lord has led my wife and me to settle in the greater Charlotte area after thirty-eight years of pastoral service. I have pastored churches in Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and North Carolina. It is my hope to continue to serve the Savior by using my gifts and experience to be a blessing to ministries that may be in need of pulpit help.
Range of ministry: I am primarily interested in helping churches in the greater Charlotte area.