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Stankich, Brian

Does your community need a word of encouragement? Or perhaps a reminder of your mission as a church? God typically uses me to encourage individuals in their faith or to challenge Christ followers to be more faithful in their walks with the Lord.

My primary ministry experience has been in missions and I am a capable teacher in every aspect of mission including sending and supporting missionaries, partnering with nationals, and church planting. I also enjoy preaching through a book of the Bible or topically.

My credentials include 29 years of walking with the Lord, ordination by Church Alive, an independent church in St. Cloud, Florida and a Masters of Divinity from Denver Seminary in Denver, Colorado. I would be available most Sundays and can travel two hours from Orlando but let me know if you are further away. My motivation is to be used by God to touch your congregation and assist my sons with staying debt free in college, so I’d be grateful for any gifts. The Lord bless you.

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