Turner, David
Name: David Turner
Home church: Idlewild Baptist Church, Tampa, FL
Pastor: Ken Whitten
Denomination: South Baptist
Ordained: Forrest Meadow Baptist Church, Dallas, TX, February, 1987
Statement of Faith/Theology: I’m in agreement with the Statement of Faith of Dallas Theological Seminary
Education/Experience: Master’s of Theology (ThM.) Dallas Theological Seminary, Bachelor of Science in Recreation at Florida State University.
Preaching Topics: I’m primarily an Expository Preacher capable of teaching any passage from Scripture. I also teach Doctrine, Apologetics, and Contemporary Ethical Issues.
Preaching Samples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRFG3Zav81s also check out my website at Biblehelper.net
Additional Notes: I’m married with four children and three grand children. I’m a certified personal fitness trainer, enjoy running, playing golf, and working out at the gym.
Brief Biography: I’ve been a Senior Pastor of three Churches, an Associate Pastor at one, and the South Central Arkansas Director of The Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I’ve also been an Adjunct Professor for four Colleges, teaching The Life of Christ, Comparative Religions, Philosophy, Ethics, Business Ethics and Fitness. I’m presently working part time as a Personal Fitness Trainer and teaching a weekly Bible study for about 30 adults.
Honorarium: I’d appreciate $200/preaching or teaching assignment plus travel costs. I live in Tampa, Florida and prefer to stay within a 100 mile radius but will consider traveling farther.