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Welch, Ted. Sr.

Ted H. Welch Sr. retired from regular pastoral ministry as of June 1, 2017. He is available to help churches and ministers in the area of pulpit supply, weddings, etc, including possible interim ministry within 50 miles of the Omaha, Nebraska & Council Bluffs, Iowa area.

He is a conservative and Biblically based minister who has been serving rural churches for a little over 27 years. For more personal information please access Ted’s website which contains his “Ministry Portfolio”, . This will give you a complete pictorial history of his personal background, statement of beliefs and other information including his resume.

If, after you examine Ted’s “Ministry Portfolio”, please feel free to contact by phone or email: Ted H. Welch Sr, PO Box, Macedonia, Iowa 51549, 641-377-6650, Thank you for your consideration and possible future contact regarding the ministry needs of your Church.

Blessings in Christ,


Ted H. Welch Sr.

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