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Wellman, Jack

Ordained Edler/Pastor of the Brethren Church (Ashland, OH)

Masters in Biblical Studies

Ministry Planter (prisons, nursing homes…)

Ashland Seminary, Ashland, Ohio.  Completed reading and coursework equal to a Master’s in Biblical Studies and am an ordained pastor and elder of the Brethren Church (offices in Ashland, OH).

Moody Bible Institute  Chicago, IL  Graduate Master’s Degree courses in Applied Biblical Studies (MAABS). Eleven graduate hours (4.00 Summa Cum Laude; With Highest Honors).   

Southern California Seminary, El Cajon, California. Nine graduate hours (4.00 Summa Cum Laude; With Highest Honors).

Newman University, Wichita, KS Bachelor of Arts, History 2000-2002 (64 credit hours) Nine Theological Credit Hours

Cowley College, Arkansas City, KS 1995-1999 (70 credit hours) Associate of Arts Degree, Education

Until April of this year (2019), I was the Senior Pastor of the Mulvane (KS) Brethren Church and am still an ordained elder and pastor of The Brethren Church but also plant ministries like prison ministries, nursing home ministries, hospital ministries, laundry mats, thrift stores, and an outreach to the poor and homeless, as per Matthew 25:35-36 and James 1:27 as doing it unto Him (Matt 25:40).

I have a BA from Newman University and an Associate’s Degree from Cowley College and completed my Master’s Degree at Moody Theological Seminary and completed Master-degree-level work at Ashland Seminary.

I have also written 4 books, including a book on evangelism called The Great Omission: Evangelizing the Lost for the Great Commission and one called Teaching Children the Gospel and Blind Chance or Intelligent Design?: Empirical Methodologies and the Bible an apologetics book and others which you can see on my authors page.

I am the General Manager for Telling Ministries which oversees a small staff of writers, as I edit, spell/grammar check, format, illustrate, and schedule all articles on What Christians Want to Know, Faith in the News(.com), Christian Quotes(.info), and Rhetorical Jesus(.com), and have spoken at several churches in America on how to begin a prison and nursing home ministry, and have been the Q & A man for a few radio station interviews.  My email address is


Ashland Seminary, Ashland, Ohio.  Completed reading and coursework equal to a Master’s in Biblical Studies and am an ordained pastor and elder of the Brethren Church (offices in Ashland, OH).

Moody Bible Institute  Chicago, IL  Graduate Master’s Degree courses in Applied Biblical Studies (MAABS). Eleven graduate hours (4.00 Summa Cum Laude; With Highest Honors).   

Southern California Seminary, El Cajon, California. Nine graduate hours (4.00 Summa Cum Laude; With Highest Honors).

Newman University, Wichita, KS Bachelor of Arts, History 2000-2002 (64 credit hours) Nine Theological Credit Hours

Cowley College, Arkansas City, KS 1995-1999 (70 credit hours) Associate of Arts Degree, Education

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