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Tag: teaching

Woody, Stephen

My name is Stephen Woody and I love God’s Word and the opportunity to minister to the church, particularly through preaching. I have served in the local church in various capacities for the last 15 years, most recently in an official role as the associate pastor at Green Run Baptist Church in Virginia Beach. I left there in 2016 and moved to Wake Forest, NC, where I just completed my Master of Divinity at Southeastern […]

Sargent, Rev. Donald

Name: Rev. Donald Sargent over 25 years of full time ministry experience. Gifted preacher/teacher. Ordained: September 15, 1993 Statement of Faith/Theology:  Covenental, Calvinistic, Conservative Evangelical Personal Testimony:  I always tell people that I was born on a Monday and went to church the next Sunday!!  I was raised by Christian parents and at the age of four, my Dad led me in prayer to receive Jesus as my Savior. I was always very active and […]

Longanecker, Bill

Name: Bill Longanecker Home Church: James River Church Pastor: John Lindell Denomination: Assemblies of God Ordination: Ordained in 1989 Experience: Served as Senior Pastor for 30 years. Evangelistic work in Mexico, Peru, Haiti and Africa, conducting evangelistic crusades. Testimony Evangelist Bill Longanecker was saved in 1973. Prior to my salvation I was heavily involved in drugs and crime. On the night I surrendered my life to Christ I had a vision of the devil driving a carriage with a team of horses […]

Hanschen, Karl

Are you looking for someone open God’s Word for your community? Are you looking for someone shaped by walking with God through life’s storms? Are you looking for someone firmly grounded in orthodox, evangelical theology? Are you looking for pulpit supply or a retreat speaker? Then let me introduce myself. My name is Karl Hanschen, and I would love to have a conversation with you. At 38 years old, I’ve already seen a lot in life. […]