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Bates, Gary (Creation Speaker)

Gary Bates, CEO Creation Ministries International, US

Gary has been speaking on the creation/evolution issue since 1990. With a background in management and marketing, in 2002, he was invited to join the ministry full-time in Brisbane and eventually became its Head of Ministry. Much in demand for his popular lay talks on creation, Gary and his family relocated to America to serve as CEO of CMI-US. He was also elected to the position of CEO of CMI-Worldwide, CMI’s international Federation of ministries. He held this position from its inception in 2008 until mid 2016 when he decided to step down and concentrate on the task of managing the rapidly growing USA office.


Once a convinced evolutionist, the Creation message had a dramatic impact on Gary’s life. He is now a biblical creationist with a heart to communicate this life-changing information to the average ‘person in the street’.

Concerned about the tremendous interest in UFOs and associated extraterrestrial beliefs, Gary undertook specialist research in an attempt to solve this seemingly baffling phenomenon. This led to his top 50 bestseller Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection(the only Creationist book ever to achieve this feat). This landmark book provides biblical answers to the many puzzling questions regarding UFOs, and whether there is intelligent, sentient alien life on other planets (our theological position on this is no. Please read the first article below for why). As a leading Christian authority in this area, Gary has travelled extensively around the world, speaking and conducting literally hundreds of interviews on radio, television and various media.

See a sample video of Gary Bates:

Here is a short overview of our model (what’s involved):

We do not charge any fees.  We accept honorariums, donations and love offerings on a voluntary basis.
• We request to have CMI resources available at each event. (This helps link people to vital information, and assists them in sharing the faith.)
• We ask the church, if possible, to reimburse (or contribute to) the cost of the hotel stay for the speaker. We will book the accommodations.
• We ask permission to circulate signup sheets during the presentation for our e-newsletter and Creation Magazine.

Our presentations are performed via PowerPoint; the presentations are filming friendly, and are 50-60 minutes in length.  All of our speakers will give the congregation what we call a relevance message for the main service time. This presentation starts with scripture and links people to the importance of Genesis and its connection to the Gospel message.  It then explains the different types of science being used when investigating the origins issue.  After that we move into an evidence section that talks about flood geology, fossilization, and dating methods.  The last part of the discussion will show how to use this message to be strengthened and share the faith. We have many topics to choose from if we have time for multiple sessions.

Additional information:
CMI’s Statement of Faith
What we do


*Please mention how you found out about us!

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